Food Insecurity Program
We would like to thank Jewel Osco for their generous donation to our Food Insecurity Program. With their help, we will be able to continue helping the Veteran community.
Jewel Osco was founded on the philosophy of offering customers the products they want at a fair price, with lots of tender loving care. We still open our doors every day today with that core value in mind—and because of it, we run really great stores.

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NAMI Homefront
What is the NAMI Homefront Education Program? NAMI Homefront is a free, six-session class for families, caregivers and friends of Military Service Members and Veterans.

Remembering Paul Baffico
https://www.lcvetsfoundation.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/pbvid7.mp4 Paul A. Baffico: LCVFSF Founder and President Passed Away We are saddened to announce the passing of our esteemed leader, friend, and advocate Paul

A Purple Heart Day Picnic
A Purple Heart Day Picnic for VPH and LCVFSF The combined staff of Veterans Path to Hope and Lake County Veterans and Family Services Foundation

Route Change RuckUp23
Route Change to RuckUp23 ATTENTION!!!! ATTENTION!!!!! ATTENTION!!!! Due to road construction, we have made a route change to our RuckUp23 route. See the attached map.

Veteran Shares History with Students
Lake County Veterans and Family Services Foundation Veteran Shares Personal History with Students May 15, 2023, Lindenhurst, IL. Millburn Middle School eighth-grade social studies teacher

Serving Illinois Area Veterans
Laura Franz and Paul Baffico Represent Two Organizations Serving Area Veterans and their Loved Ones Pictured at the recent Daughters of American Revolution Annual meeting,